Sunday, 4 August 2013

Ladybird Lights

The matchbox to end all nursery rhymes. I created this little handmade hand painted found objects piece quite a few years ago now, but it has, like all good folk and nursery rhymes, survived being cast aside for so long. I found the deceased Ladybird in a drawer one spring day. It must have found its way into there one chilly autumn day to hibernate but then perhaps couldn't get out or maybe just died. But not in vain, this little beetle lives on in Ladybird Lights! She has faded a little but still looks the part as she takes her place in one of the most intriguing of nursery rhymes.

The box is made of buff card, has a strip of sandpaper for the striking edge and was hand painted before being charred with a lighted match. Box size is that of a standard small matchbox.

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