Monday, 16 December 2013

Father Christmas Loyalty Card

I made these loyalty cards as a small run project to sell at the London Artists' Bookfair in 2003. Nowadays loyalty points are commonplace but 10 years ago they were slightly less so. I wanted to make something that could pass as a "real" loyalty card. I left them all over the place, secretly slipping them onto shop and coffee house counters and then slipped back into the crowds to see who would pick them up and what reaction they gave. People who spotted them always picked them up and read the back upon which they quickly put them down again, frowning and looking a little upset. I stamped several of the cards as "full" but no-one, inbetween charging up their credit cards, seemed to want to even take a chance on even a full and complete card that could be redeemed for the perfect Christmas. Their loss. Happy Christmas!